The Walking Dead follows a group of survivors led by former sheriff Rick Grimes in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies (called “walkers”). As they struggle to stay alive, they encounter various other groups of survivors, facing not only the threat of walkers but also human antagonists who pose a greater danger.
The series explores themes of morality, survival, and leadership as Rick and his group navigate the collapse of society. Over time, their journey brings loss, betrayal, and difficult decisions, forcing each character to evolve.
Throughout the show, Rick grapples with his role as a leader, while other characters, such as Daryl, Michonne, and Carol, become crucial to the survival of the group. Friendships and relationships are tested, and moral lines blur as the survivors struggle with what it means to remain human in an increasingly violent world.
The series spans several seasons, each dealing with different threats, including corrupt groups, internal strife, and the walkers. In its finale, The Walking Dead wraps up the epic tale of survival, human resilience, and the enduring struggle to rebuild civilization.