Like Mike (2002) is a heartwarming sports comedy directed by John Schultz, starring Lil’ Bow Wow (credited as Shad Moss), Morris Chestnut, Jonathan Lipnicki, Brenda Song, Crispin Glover, and Eugene Levy. The film blends humor, fantasy, and basketball into an inspiring tale of an orphaned boy chasing his dreams.
The story centers on 13-year-old Calvin Cambridge (Lil’ Bow Wow), who lives in an orphanage and dreams of becoming a professional basketball player despite his small stature and lack of skill. Calvinโs life changes dramatically when he stumbles upon an old pair of sneakers with the initials “MJ,” believed to have belonged to basketball legend Michael Jordan. After a lightning strike hits the shoes, Calvin discovers they have magical properties that grant him extraordinary basketball abilities, allowing him to play at an NBA level.
When Calvin gets a chance to showcase his newfound talent during a halftime contest, he impresses everyone, including the Los Angeles Knights, a struggling NBA team. The Knights sign Calvin, making him one of the youngest players in NBA history. With his exceptional skills, Calvin quickly becomes a media sensation and helps turn the Knights’ fortunes around. He also forms a bond with star player Tracy Reynolds (Morris Chestnut), who initially resents the young prodigy but eventually becomes a mentor and father figure.
As Calvin navigates his new life of fame and success, he faces challenges, including the manipulative actions of the orphanage’s director, Stan Bittleman (Crispin Glover), who seeks to exploit Calvinโs success for personal gain. Calvin also wrestles with his desire to be adopted and find a family, which becomes a central theme of the story. His relationships with his best friends, Murph (Jonathan Lipnicki) and Reg (Brenda Song), and his growing connection with Tracy, highlight the importance of friendship and belonging.
The film features exciting basketball sequences, including cameos from real-life NBA stars like Allen Iverson, Dirk Nowitzki, and Vince Carter, which add authenticity and appeal for basketball fans. The lighthearted humor and uplifting message about believing in yourself and the power of dreams make Like Mike a hit with younger audiences.
While critics gave the film mixed reviews, praising its charm but critiquing its predictability, it became a commercial success and remains a nostalgic favorite. The movie is remembered for its feel-good story, memorable performances, and the blend of fantasy with the world of professional basketball.