Hulk (2003) is a superhero film directed by Ang Lee, based on the Marvel Comics character. It stars Eric Bana as Bruce Banner, Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross, Sam Elliott as General Ross, and Nick Nolte as Bruceโs father, David Banner. The film delves into the origins of the Hulk, blending action with psychological drama.
Plot Summary
Bruce Banner, a brilliant scientist, is exposed to gamma radiation during a lab accident, which triggers a transformation into a giant green creatureโthe Hulkโwhenever he experiences intense emotions. As Bruce struggles to understand and control his new powers, he uncovers dark secrets about his past, including his fatherโs unethical experiments that contributed to his condition.
General Ross, Betty’s father, views the Hulk as a threat and launches a military campaign to capture him. Meanwhile, Bruceโs estranged father, David, seeks to exploit his sonโs powers for his own destructive ends. The conflict culminates in a dramatic showdown between Bruce and his father, as well as with the military.
The film explores themes of repressed trauma, identity, and the duality of human nature. It emphasizes the emotional toll of Bruceโs transformations and the impact of parental relationships on personal growth.
Hulk received mixed reviews, with praise for its ambition, visual effects, and exploration of deeper themes, but criticism for its slow pacing and lack of traditional superhero action. While divisive, it is appreciated by some for its unique psychological approach and visual style, setting it apart from other superhero films.