Holiday Inn (1942) is a classic musical comedy that follows the lives of two entertainers, Jim Hardy (Bing Crosby) and Ted Hanover (Fred Astaire), who both fall in love with the same woman, Linda Mason (Marjorie Reynolds). The film is set around a charming country inn, which Jim transforms into a special holiday-themed resort that only opens on holidays throughout the year.
The story begins with Jim deciding to leave his career as a Broadway performer and retire to a quieter life. He buys an old farmhouse in Connecticut and converts it into the Holiday Inn, a unique concept where the inn hosts spectacular celebrations on each major holiday, such as New Yearโs, Valentineโs Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The inn is a success, but complications arise when Jimโs former partner, Ted Hanover, comes to the inn to perform during the holidays. Ted is also in love with Linda, who, at first, reciprocates his feelings, but as the plot develops, she begins to fall in love with Jim.
Jimโs relationship with Linda is further complicated when Ted, with his charm and showmanship, steals the spotlight and Lindaโs affections. Tedโs rivalry with Jim is fueled by both their personal and professional stakes, and the two engage in a series of comedic and musical showdowns. However, Jimโs devotion to Linda ultimately wins her over.
The film is notable for its musical numbers, including the iconic song “White Christmas,” which became a holiday standard after its release. Through the course of the film, Jim and Linda eventually reconcile, and Jimโs dream of running a successful inn filled with holiday cheer is realized.
Holiday Inn blends romance, humor, and the magic of the holidays, making it a beloved classic that celebrates the joy and spirit of the season, with unforgettable performances by Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire.