Gotham is a dark and thrilling origin story of the iconic Batman universe, focusing on the cityโs descent into chaos before the rise of the Caped Crusader. The series follows young detective James Gordon as he takes on crime and corruption in Gotham City, alongside his partner, the cynical Harvey Bullock. After the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Gordon promises to solve their case, forming a bond with the grieving young Bruce Wayne, whose journey toward becoming Batman begins.
In its early seasons, the show explores Gothamโs dangerous underworld, introducing infamous villains like Penguin, Riddler, and Catwoman in their formative years. Oswald Cobblepotโs rise to power, Edward Nygmaโs transformation into the Riddler, and Selina Kyleโs evolution as Catwoman highlight the cityโs growing instability. Meanwhile, Gordon struggles to balance his ideals with the grim realities of Gothamโs corruption.
As the series progresses, Bruce discovers his destiny, undergoing training and uncovering the secrets of his parents’ death. Gotham faces escalating threats from larger-than-life villains, including Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska (early versions of the Joker), Raโs al Ghul, and the terrifying Bane. Gordon rises through the ranks to become commissioner, all while battling his own moral dilemmas and defending the city.
The final season brings Gotham to the brink of destruction as the city becomes a no manโs land, overrun by criminals. Bruce fully embraces his role as Gothamโs protector, while Gordon leads the GCPD in restoring order. The series concludes with a time jump, revealing the birth of Batman, as the iconic hero steps into the shadows to defend the city forever.