Sputnik (2020) is a Russian sci-fi horror film directed by Egor Abramenko. Set during the Cold War, the film combines psychological tension with extraterrestrial horror. It stars Oksana Akinshina, Pyotr Fyodorov, and Fyodor Bondarchuk.
The story follows neurophysiologist Tatyana Klimova (Oksana Akinshina), who is recruited by the Soviet military to investigate a cosmonaut, Konstantin (Pyotr Fyodorov), who returned from a space mission with an alien parasite living inside him. The alien emerges from Konstantin’s body at night and demonstrates intelligence and lethal capabilities.
Tatyana is tasked with studying the symbiotic relationship between Konstantin and the alien while grappling with moral dilemmas and the military’s intentions to weaponize the creature. As she delves deeper, Tatyana uncovers secrets about the mission and the creature, leading to a suspenseful and morally complex confrontation.
Sputnik explores themes of control, humanity, and the consequences of tampering with unknown forces. It also examines ethical questions about scientific experimentation and military ambition, set against the backdrop of Cold War paranoia.
The film received positive reviews for its atmospheric direction, strong performances, and its blend of sci-fi and horror. Critics praised its tense storytelling, character depth, and the unique design of the alien creature. It has been compared to films like Alien for its tone and themes.
Sputnik (2020) is a gripping sci-fi horror film that balances extraterrestrial terror with human drama. Its chilling atmosphere and moral complexity make it a standout entry in modern sci-fi cinema.