Menjelang Ajal is an Indonesian horror film that focuses on supernatural and mysterious elements. The main plot of the film revolves around a family living in a deserted house, where they face strange and terrifying phenomena related to death and evil forces.
The family begins to notice unusual signs in the house after a family member passes away. Strange events, such as strange noises, mysterious figures, and unexplained hauntings, continue to appear. As these phenomena become more and more intense, the family members gradually discover dark secrets related to the history of the house and their past.
The dark secrets of the family’s past are gradually revealed. The supernatural entity is not just a ghost, but also related to the mistakes, sins, and pain that the family has hidden for so long. Each member of the family must face the darkness within themselves and find a way to redeem themselves in order to escape the pursuit of supernatural forces.
The film deeply explores the human fear of death, loss, and things that cannot be explained by reason. With a tense atmosphere, creepy scenes and haunting sounds, Menjelang Ajal not only scares the audience but also conveys a message about love and family bonds in the face of the most severe challenges.