Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989), also known as Mr. Canton and Lady Rose, is a Hong Kong action-comedy film directed by and starring Jackie Chan. The movie showcases Chanโs unique blend of martial arts, comedy, and intricate choreography, along with a nostalgic nod to 1930s Hong Kong.
The film follows Kuo Cheng-Wah (Jackie Chan), a kind-hearted country boy who inadvertently becomes the leader of a gang after a chance encounter with a dying mob boss. A street vendor’s rose, believed to bring good fortune, plays a pivotal role in this rise to power. As the new leader, Kuo tries to bring integrity and fairness to the gang’s operations while balancing the challenges of the criminal world.
Kuo’s life becomes even more complicated when he decides to help Madame Kao, a poor flower seller. She wishes to impress her estranged daughter by pretending to be wealthy. Kuo orchestrates an elaborate charade involving his gang, leading to humorous and action-packed situations.