Cross (2024) is a gripping crime thriller based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. The series follows Alex Cross, a brilliant but haunted detective and forensic psychologist portrayed by Aldis Hodge. After his wifeโs tragic murder, Cross dives into high-stakes investigations while battling personal demons.
Set in Washington, D.C., the show weaves complex narratives involving serial killers and conspiracies. Crossโs pursuit of justice forces him to confront dark truths, both in his cases and his life.
The series balances intense action with emotional depth, exploring themes of loss, resilience, and morality. Cross’s relationships, especially with his children and colleagues, add further emotional layers, making the show as much about family as it is about crime.
Praised for its strong performances and intricate storytelling, Cross has been renewed for a second season, promising more suspense and psychological drama.