Landman (2024), created by Taylor Sheridan, is a gripping drama set in West Texas during a modern oil boom. Inspired by the Boomtown podcast, the show explores the lives of roughnecks and billionaires chasing fortune in an industry reshaping the economy, environment, and geopolitics. Billy Bob Thornton stars as Tommy Norris, a struggling oil executive fighting to save his company amidst the chaos.
The series intertwines personal and professional challenges as Tommy navigates complex family dynamics, including his free-spirited daughter Ainsley (Michelle Randolph) and ex-wife Angela (Ali Larter). Meanwhile, new characters like Cooper (Jacob Lofland) highlight the struggles and ambitions of the oil workforce.
With its richly layered storytelling, Landman delves into the moral dilemmas of wealth and environmental responsibility. The series portrays how the relentless pursuit of profit impacts both individuals and the community, creating a narrative that feels timely and relevant.
Praised for its stellar cast, emotional depth, and compelling plot, Landman has become a standout series in Sheridanโs portfolio. It offers a dramatic and nuanced look at a high-stakes world, resonating with audiences globally.