Bully (2018) is an indie drama film directed by Santino Campanelli, known for tackling the topic of bullying and its emotional and psychological effects on teenagers. The film stars Tucker Albrizzi, Ron Canada, Danny Trejo, and Vincent Pastore. It aims to deliver a hard-hitting message about standing up against bullying, self-empowerment, and finding oneโs inner strength.
The story follows Jimmy Mulligan (Tucker Albrizzi), a sweet but overweight teenager who struggles with relentless bullying at the hands of classmates. Jimmyโs primary tormentor, Miles (played by Mike Dusi), goes to extreme lengths to humiliate and intimidate him, leading to deep emotional scars and isolation.
With the support of his tough yet kind-hearted grandfather, Manny (Danny Trejo), Jimmy decides to fight backโnot with fists, but by building self-confidence and learning to stand up for himself. Manny teaches Jimmy the value of inner strength, discipline, and perseverance, leading to a transformative journey.
The film explores the emotional turmoil caused by bullying, not just for the victim but also for their family and community. By the end, Jimmy must find a way to rise above his struggles and inspire others around him.
Bully received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. While some praised its strong performances and heartfelt message, others found the storytelling to be somewhat heavy-handed and predictable. However, the film was largely appreciated for shedding light on a critical social issue and resonated with viewers who had personal experiences with bullying.