The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015) is a psychological horror film set in 1630s New England. It follows a Puritan family exiled to a remote farm near a dark forest. As crops fail and tensions rise, they believe an evil force is tormenting them.
When their infant son vanishes under mysterious circumstances, the family blames their eldest daughter, Thomasin, suspecting her of witchcraft. Supernatural occurrences and paranoia deepen the family’s descent into fear and distrust.
As isolation and hysteria consume them, each family member faces horrifying events that blur the line between reality and delusion. The presence of a sinister force, symbolized by a black goat named Black Phillip, becomes undeniable.
The VVitch is a haunting tale of religious fanaticism, familial breakdown, and otherworldly terror. With its unsettling atmosphere, period authenticity, and chilling themes, it explores humanity’s fear of the unknown and the seductive power of darkness.