The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (2023) is an epic anime-style prequel to The Lord of the Rings. Directed by Kenji Kamiyama, the film is set 250 years before the main saga and focuses on the legendary King Helm Hammerhand of Rohan. It explores the events that led to the creation of Helmโs Deep, the iconic fortress featured in The Two Towers.
The story follows Helm as he defends Rohan against Wulf, a vengeful Dunlending warlord determined to reclaim his ancestral lands. Betrayed from within and outnumbered by enemies, Helm retreats to a mountain stronghold with his people, showcasing his resilience and unyielding leadership. His daughter, Hera, emerges as a courageous figure, rallying the people and adding emotional depth to the tale.
With themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and perseverance, The War of the Rohirrim delves into the rich lore of Rohan. The film captures the spirit of its people, showing how legends are born through unity and struggle. It is a story of survival and the foundations of a kingdom destined to stand against great evil.
Featuring stunning anime-inspired visuals and a darker, mature tone, the film seamlessly ties into Peter Jacksonโs trilogy with its design and a musical score by Howard Shore. This thrilling addition expands Tolkienโs cinematic universe, offering fans a captivating look at Middle-earthโs heroic past.