Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) follows the Fantastic Four as they prepare for Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm’s (Invisible Woman) wedding. Their celebration is disrupted when the mysterious Silver Surfer arrives on Earth, causing global disturbances. The team discovers the Surfer serves Galactus, a cosmic entity that devours planets.
As the Fantastic Four investigate, Dr. Doom returns and manipulates events to steal the Silver Surfer’s power for himself. Johnny Storm (Human Torch) struggles with his unstable powers after a clash with the Surfer, while the team works to stop Doom and understand the Surfer’s motives.
The Silver Surfer reveals he serves Galactus unwillingly to save his own planet. Inspired by Sue’s compassion, he decides to rebel. The Fantastic Four recover the Surferโs board from Doom and unite to save Earth from destruction.
In the climax, the Silver Surfer sacrifices himself to defeat Galactus. Earth is saved, and Reed and Sue finally get married. A final scene teases the Silver Surfer’s survival, hinting at his redemption and possible return.