Clash of the Titans (2010), directed by Louis Leterrier, is a modern reimagining of the 1981 classic fantasy adventure film of the same name. It brings Greek mythology to life with a mix of epic action, visual spectacle, and cutting-edge CGI. Featuring Sam Worthington as Perseus, alongside Liam Neeson as Zeus and Ralph Fiennes as Hades, the film offers a visually intense and action-packed retelling of the hero Perseus’ legendary quest.
The story begins with the conflict between the gods and humanity. Humans have begun to rebel against the gods, refusing to offer prayers or sacrifices. This rebellion weakens the gods’ power and angers Zeus (Liam Neeson), who allows his brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the god of the underworld, to sow fear among mortals as punishment. Hades unleashes his fury on Argos, killing Perseus’ adoptive family during an attack on the city.
Perseus (Sam Worthington), a demigod born of Zeus and a mortal woman, is found and taken to Argos, where King Cepheus (Vincent Regan) and Queen Cassiopeia defy the gods by proclaiming their daughter Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) more beautiful than the gods themselves. Enraged, Hades delivers an ultimatum: sacrifice Andromeda to the monstrous Kraken or face the destruction of their city. Perseus, grieving for his lost family and driven by vengeance against Hades, agrees to lead a perilous mission to defeat the Kraken and save Argos.
Clash of the Titans received mixed reviews from critics. The film was praised for its visual spectacle, fast-paced action, and exciting creature designs. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes received particular praise for their commanding performances as Zeus and Hades, bringing gravitas to their roles.