“Power Rangers” is a 2017 science fiction action film directed by Dean Israelite. A reboot of the classic franchise, the film reimagines the origin story of five teenagers who become superheroes. Starring Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Ludi Lin, and Becky G, alongside Elizabeth Banks and Bryan Cranston, it blends nostalgia with a modern twist.
Plot Overview
The story begins in the small town of Angel Grove, where five high school students—Jason (Dacre Montgomery), Kimberly (Naomi Scott), Billy (RJ Cyler), Zack (Ludi Lin), and Trini (Becky G)—struggle with personal issues and social pressures. They discover glowing coins in a quarry, which grant them superhuman abilities. Guided by Zordon (Bryan Cranston), a former Red Ranger turned mentor, and Alpha 5, a quirky robot, the teens learn they have been chosen to become the new Power Rangers.
Their mission is to stop Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), a former Green Ranger corrupted by greed and power. Rita aims to resurrect Goldar, a giant monster, to help her find the Zeo Crystal, a powerful artifact hidden on Earth. To defeat her, the teens must overcome their differences, embrace teamwork, and unlock their powers, which culminates in the activation of their iconic Zords.
Themes and Symbolism
“Power Rangers” explores themes such as:
- Teamwork and Unity: The characters must overcome their individual struggles to work together as a team.
- Responsibility and Growth: The journey from flawed teenagers to selfless heroes highlights themes of personal growth and responsibility.
- Friendship and Diversity: The film celebrates diversity and the power of friendship in overcoming challenges.
The transformation into Power Rangers symbolizes the characters’ evolution as they find purpose and strength in unity.
The cast delivers heartfelt performances, with RJ Cyler’s portrayal of Billy Cranston standing out for his humor and vulnerability. Dacre Montgomery shines as Jason, the team’s reluctant leader, while Naomi Scott brings emotional depth to Kimberly. Elizabeth Banks portrays Rita with a mix of menace and camp, adding flair to the film’s tone.
Visual Effects and Direction
Dean Israelite’s direction combines grounded storytelling with high-energy action sequences. The visual effects bring the Zords and battles to life, offering a fresh yet familiar take on the franchise. The film’s cinematography captures both the intimacy of the characters’ struggles and the spectacle of their heroic transformation.
Critical Reception
“Power Rangers” received mixed reviews. Critics praised the cast, character development, and nostalgic elements but criticized the pacing and uneven tone. Fans appreciated its attempt to balance a darker, more grounded approach with the campy fun of the original series. Despite its polarizing reception, the film found a loyal audience.
“Power Rangers” (2017) is an ambitious reboot that pays homage to the beloved franchise while modernizing its story for a new generation. With its engaging characters and exciting action, it serves as both a nostalgic trip for longtime fans and an introduction for newcomers to the Power Rangers universe.