Deep Impact (1998) is a disaster science fiction film directed by Mimi Leder, focusing on the threat of a massive comet colliding with Earth and the efforts to prevent or survive the impending catastrophe. The film blends action, drama, and human resilience with a compelling portrayal of an apocalyptic scenario.
The story begins with the discovery of a massive comet on a collision course with Earth. Scientists, including Leo Beiderman (Elijah Wood), track the comet, realizing that it will impact Earth in just a few months, leading to global destruction.
The U.S. government, led by President Tom Beck (Morgan Freeman), secretly works with other nations to form a plan to avert disaster. A team of astronauts, including Spurgeon Tanner (Robert Duvall), is sent to plant nuclear bombs on the comet to split it into smaller, less dangerous pieces. At the same time, Earth prepares for the worst as massive tsunamis, fires, and chaos ensue.
The film also focuses on the human side of the crisis: Jenny Lerner (Tรฉa Leoni), a reporter, uncovers the truth about the comet, while Leo and his family struggle with the emotional weight of the situation. The film explores themes of sacrifice, survival, and the personal impact of global catastrophes.
In the climactic moments, the mission to deflect the comet partially succeeds, but one large fragment still threatens Earth. In a final, heroic act, Spurgeon Tanner sacrifices himself to prevent the collision, saving the planet.