“Taken 3” (2014) is the sequel to the action film series “Taken” with the main character Bryan Mills (played by Liam Neeson). In this part, Bryan faces a terrible situation when he is accused of a crime he did not commit, and must protect his family from dangerous enemies.
The story begins when Bryan Mills, a former CIA agent, is trying to rebuild his relationship with his daughter Kim (played by Maggie Grace) and ex-wife Lenore (played by Famke Janssen), after previous events. However, things quickly turn bad when Lenore is killed in an assassination.
Bryan is accused of being the perpetrator of this murder and becomes the target of the police, especially a determined inspector named Franck Dotzler (played by Forest Whitaker), who is determined to arrest Bryan for the case.
Chased and innocent, Bryan uses his fighting skills and investigative abilities to find out who is really behind Lenore’s death and expose a dark conspiracy. Along the way, he faces many dangers and sophisticated opponents.
Bryan’s ultimate goal is to prove his innocence, while protecting his daughter Kim from those who want to harm her.
“Taken 3” continues to maintain the dramatic action style, with thrilling chases and challenging situations that Bryan Mills must overcome. The film is not only a father’s fight for survival for his family but also a journey to find justice in a world full of conspiracy and danger.