ย Splinter (2008), directed by Toby Wilkins, is a gripping horror-thriller blending creature horror with survival suspense. The film follows Tracy (Jill Wagner) and Paul (Paulo Costanzo), a couple on a road trip. They encounter Dennis (Shea Whigham), an escaped convict, and, after a violent altercation, they end up trapped at a remote gas station.
ย An unnatural, parasitic creature begins infecting animals in the area. The parasite spreads quickly, mutating its hosts into deadly monsters. These infected beings hunt and attack anyone they come into contact with. The trio must fight for survival in the isolated gas station, dealing with both the creatures and their personal conflicts.
ย The filmโs creature effects are a highlight. The parasiteโs transformations are shown using practical effects, creating visceral horror. Splinter relies on tension and suspense, using its claustrophobic setting to enhance the fear. The lead performances, especially from Wagner and Costanzo, make the emotional stakes real. Dennis’s character evolves from antagonist to reluctant ally, complicating the dynamic.
ย Though it follows familiar horror tropes, Splinter stands out with its intense pacing and strong performances. The practical effects and tension-filled atmosphere make it a memorable entry in the creature horror genre.