The Shed is a 2019 American horror film written and directed by Frank Sabatella. It follows the story of a teenager named Stan and his best friend, Dommer, who discover a sinister creature hiding in Stan’s shed. The creature is revealed to be a vampire, and the boys face a moral dilemma: whether to use the creature as a means of revenge against their tormentors or find a way to destroy it.
The Shed centers on Stan, a high schooler dealing with the recent death of his parents and living under the oppressive guardianship of his abusive grandfather. Stanโs life is made even more difficult by relentless bullying at school, particularly from a group led by his classmate Marble. Stanโs only true support comes from his best friend, Dommer, who is also a target of bullying, and a childhood friend turned crush, Roxy, who has started to distance herself from him to avoid social ridicule.
The story takes a chilling turn when a drifter is attacked in the woods by a vampire and flees to Stan’s property, where he succumbs to the infection. The newly turned vampire becomes trapped in Stan’s shed due to its vulnerability to sunlight. Stan discovers the creature and, horrified, attempts to tell his grandfather, who dismisses him. Stanโs attempts to deal with the vampire go awry, and the creature begins to serve as both a literal and figurative representation of his struggles.
Dommer, emboldened by the potential power the vampire could grant them, suggests using the shed and its monstrous occupant to take revenge on their tormentors. This idea introduces a moral conflict for Stan, who initially refuses, fearing the consequences of unleashing the creature. However, events spiral out of control when Dommer takes matters into his own hands, setting off a chain of violent and tragic events.
As tensions escalate, Stan is forced to confront not only the vampire but also his own internal darkness, his capacity for violence, and the price of revenge. The film builds to a climactic showdown in and around the shed, where Stan, Roxy, and the remaining survivors must face both human and supernatural threats.