Logan (2017) is a critically acclaimed superhero film directed by James Mangold, starring Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine and Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. The film marks the final portrayal of Wolverine by Jackman in the X-Men franchise and is celebrated for its mature, gritty, and emotionally resonant approach. Unlike typical superhero films, Logan is more of a character-driven drama with elements of a neo-Western, focusing on themes of mortality, family, and redemption.
Set in the year 2029, the film depicts a bleak future where mutants are nearly extinct, and the aging Logan is living a quiet, isolated life near the Mexican border. His healing powers are fading, and he works as a limo driver to support Charles Xavier, who suffers from a neurodegenerative disease that causes dangerous seizures. Charles is cared for in secrecy to prevent the catastrophic effects of his abilities.
Loganโs world changes when a nurse named Gabriela asks for his help to transport a young girl named Laura to a safe haven called Eden. Laura, who possesses abilities similar to Logan’s, is revealed to be a genetically engineered mutant created from Loganโs DNA by the Transigen corporation.
As Logan, Charles, and Laura embark on a road trip to escape the relentless pursuit of Transigen’s enforcers, led by Donald Pierce and Dr. Zander Rice, they bond and uncover deeper truths about Lauraโs origins and Loganโs legacy. The journey is fraught with violence, loss, and moments of profound emotional connection.
The climax sees Logan making a final stand to protect Laura and other young mutants who escape from Transigenโs clutches. Logan sacrifices himself to ensure Lauraโs safety, dying in her arms. Laura, acknowledging Logan as her father figure, buries him and continues her journey with the other children, honoring his memory.