Solo (2018) is a Spanish survival drama directed by Hugo Stuven and starring Alain Hernรกndez. The film is inspired by a true story and follows the harrowing journey of รlvaro Vizcaรญno, a surfer who becomes stranded after falling from a cliff on the remote Fuerteventura coast in the Canary Islands. It is a tale of survival, self-reflection, and the will to live against all odds.
รlvaro, an experienced surfer, ventures to a secluded area of Fuerteventura in search of solitude and big waves. However, his adventure takes a devastating turn when he slips and falls from a steep cliff, severely injuring himself. Alone and unable to climb back up, รlvaro must endure physical pain, hunger, and exposure to the elements while battling despair.
As รlvaro struggles to survive, the film delves into his psyche, interweaving flashbacks of his life, relationships, and regrets. These memories fuel his determination to stay alive and reconnect with his loved ones. รlvaro’s journey becomes as much about emotional redemption as it is about physical endurance.
Through sheer willpower and resourcefulness, รlvaro navigates the treacherous coastline, hoping to reach safety before succumbing to his injuries. His story culminates in a gripping, emotional climax that celebrates human resilience and the power of hope.
Solo received mixed reviews from critics. Alain Hernรกndez’s compelling performance was widely praised, as he carried much of the film with his raw, physical, and emotional portrayal of รlvaro. The stunning visuals and gripping survival sequences were also appreciated, though some critics noted that the narrative’s introspective moments could feel repetitive or slow-paced.