Dragon Blade (2015) is a historical action-adventure film directed by Daniel Lee, featuring an ensemble cast led by Jackie Chan, John Cusack, and Adrien Brody. The film is set during the Han Dynasty in ancient China and combines epic battles, political intrigue, and themes of unity and friendship. It is notable for its ambitious attempt to blend Eastern and Western cinematic traditions.
Set on the Silk Road in 48 BCE, the film follows Huo An (Jackie Chan), the leader of the Silk Road Protection Squad tasked with maintaining peace among the diverse ethnic groups traveling along the route. Wrongfully accused of smuggling, Huo An and his men are exiled to Wild Geese Gate, a remote desert outpost.
While rebuilding the fort, they encounter a Roman legion led by General Lucius (John Cusack), who is escorting Publius, a young boy and the rightful heir to the Roman throne, away from his tyrannical brother Tiberius (Adrien Brody). Despite initial hostilities, Huo An and Lucius form a bond and work together to defend the fort from Tiberius and his massive army.
The film culminates in a climactic battle, where the Silk Road Protection Squad and the Roman legion join forces to uphold justice, protect the Silk Road, and preserve peace. The story emphasizes the shared values of brotherhood and cultural exchange despite differences.
Dragon Blade received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. The film was praised for its ambition, production design, and action choreography, but it faced criticism for its uneven pacing, over-the-top melodrama, and historical inaccuracies. Some viewers appreciated its message of unity, while others found its blend of Eastern and Western storytelling awkward.