The Mermaid is a short horror film directed by Alex Magaรฑa, produced under ACM Official, a platform known for creating engaging short horror films. Released in 2022, the film delivers a chilling experience in a concise runtime, characteristic of Alex Magaรฑa’s talent for crafting effective scares in a short format.
The film stars Ashley BeLoat, Yoni Keynan, and Hayley Seat, with each actor contributing to the eerie atmosphere of the story. The plot centers around the legend of a mysterious creatureโpart human, part aquaticโwho appears in a remote area. The tagline, “There’s something in the water,” hints at the lurking menace and sets the tone for an atmospheric thriller.
The film uses its compact runtime to build suspense, leveraging a combination of subtle sound design, tight pacing, and carefully crafted visuals. Set primarily near a body of water, the cinematography makes full use of the environment to evoke isolation and vulnerability, enhancing the horror elements. The narrative weaves folklore with modern fears, creating a memorable, unsettling experience.
The success of The Mermaid led to the release of its sequel, The Mermaid 2, which continues the story and is available on platforms like YouTube. This sequel delves deeper into the mythology of the creature while expanding on the themes introduced in the first film.
The Mermaid is an excellent example of how short horror films can leave a lasting impression, thanks to their ability to distill fear into an intense, compact viewing experience. Itโs a must-watch for fans of indie horror and those who enjoy films inspired by urban legends or supernatural myths.