The Jackal (1997) is an action-thriller centered around a ruthless and highly skilled assassin known only as “The Jackal,” who is hired to carry out a politically motivated assassination. The FBI, desperate to stop him, turns to Declan Mulqueen (Bruce Willis), a former terrorist imprisoned for his past crimes, who has firsthand knowledge of the Jackalโs methods. In exchange for his cooperation, Mulqueen is promised his freedom.
As the Jackal sets his sights on a high-profile target, the FBI, led by agent Virginia Cooper (Diane Lane), must track him down across multiple countries. Meanwhile, the Jackalโs elaborate and deadly plan unfolds, with several false identities and sophisticated weapons at his disposal. As the story progresses, Mulqueen and Cooper must race against time to prevent the assassination, ultimately leading to a tense and dramatic showdown. The film explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a dangerous criminal.