The modern Resident Evil saga reaches its explosive conclusion in Resident Evil 9: The Last Stand. Picking up after Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016), the film presents humanity’s desperate fight for survival as the T-Virus devastates the planet. Cities fall, undead hordes rise, and a mutated strain of the virus spawns the terrifying “Evolvers”—monsters that are faster, stronger, and shockingly intelligent.
Alice (Milla Jovovich), long thought dead, emerges from the shadows with a renewed mission to end the nightmare. She discovers a potential cure buried in a failed Umbrella Corporation experiment. This cure could end the global pandemic but also holds the power to destroy humanity if misused.
Alice gathers old allies and new survivors for a perilous mission to retrieve the cure. Among her team is Dr. Evelyn, a former Umbrella scientist whose knowledge of the Evolvers could tip the scales. Together, they navigate a world filled with relentless zombies, merciless mercenaries, and the new Evolvers. Every step is a race against time as they face overwhelming odds to give humanity a chance at a future.
The film delivers breathtaking action, intense suspense, and emotional depth. Alice’s final battle will test her resilience, courage, and the limits of her humanity. As she fights for survival, the story explores her enduring hope for redemption and a better world.
With Milla Jovovich’s iconic return as Alice, Resident Evil 9: The Last Stand promises a spectacular finale. Fans can expect a thrilling blend of horror, action, and heart as the franchise comes to a fitting and unforgettable close.