Pixels (2015) is a sci-fi action comedy directed by Chris Columbus. The film follows Sam Brenner, a former video game champion, who is recruited to help defend Earth from an alien invasion. The aliens, having intercepted footage of Earth’s 1980s video games, misunderstand it as a declaration of war and send alien versions of iconic arcade game characters like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Centipede to attack the planet.
Sam, along with his childhood friends, including Will Cooper (the U.S. president), and other former gaming experts, are enlisted to combat the alien threat using their old-school gaming skills. As the team faces off against the video game-inspired enemies, they must work together to defeat them in high-stakes, real-life battles, from Pac-Man terrorizing the streets to a massive Donkey Kong showdown.
The film is filled with action, humor, and nostalgic references to 1980s video games, while also exploring themes of redemption, friendship, and teamwork. Sam, in particular, struggles with his past and his relationship with Violet, a fellow team member, while trying to save the world. Ultimately, Pixels delivers a blend of nostalgia, video game-inspired spectacle, and a fun adventure for both gamers and casual viewers.