Deliler (2018)

“Deliler” (2018), also called “Vlad the Impaler,” is a Turkish historical action film. Osman Kaya directed it. The story, set in the 15th century, follows fierce battles between the Ottoman Empire’s mounted forces, known as the Deliler, and the cruel Vlad the Impaler (played by Erkan Petekkaya). A group of fearless Ottoman warriors faces Vlad the Impaler as he wreaks havoc across Turkey. The film showcases intense action scenes and explores historical conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and Wallachia.


Bravery: “Deliler” mainly highlights the bravery and valor of the Ottoman warriors. The film portrays the Deliler as fearless fighters who are willing to risk their lives to protect their homeland and uphold their principles.

Oppression and Tyranny: Vlad the Impaler is a ruthless tyrant who uses extreme methods of control and punishment. His character shows oppression, and the film explores the Deliler’s struggle against this tyranny.

Loyalty and Brotherhood: The bond between the Deliler warriors is a significant theme. Their loyalty to each other and their shared mission highlight the importance of camaraderie and mutual support in the face of adversity.

Cinematic Style

“Deliler” uses sweeping cinematography and intense action sequences to draw viewers into the historical era. Practical effects and detailed set designs enhance the film’s authenticity. The battle scenes emphasize the physical prowess and strategic skills of the Deliler.

Dramatic lighting and dynamic camera movements heighten the sense of urgency and danger. Carefully designed costumes and set pieces reflect the historical period, adding to the overall immersive experience.

Character Analysis

Vlad the Impaler (Erkan Petekkaya): Vlad is a cruel and merciless ruler whose methods of punishment are horrifying. His character serves as the primary antagonist and represents extreme brutality.

Gokkurt (Cem Uรงan): Gokkurt is a key figure among the Deliler. He embodies the Ottoman warrior spirit. His character shows honor and loyalty, reflecting the Ottoman military elite’s values and principles.

Baba Sultan (Yetkin Dikinciler): Baba Sultan is the wise and strategic leader of the Deliler. His experience and guidance are crucial in leading the warriors through their battles and challenges.


“Deliler” is a visually compelling and action-driven film that offers a glimpse into a fascinating historical conflict. The themes of bravery, oppression, and loyalty weave into the narrative, making it an engaging and thought-provoking watch. Despite some criticisms regarding historical inaccuracies and acting, the film delivers a powerful story of courage and resilience. It serves as a reminder of history’s complexities and harsh realities, wrapped in a cinematic package designed to entertain.

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