X-Men: The Last Stand is the third installment in the X-Men series, directed by Brett Ratner. The film continues the story of the ongoing conflict between mutants and humanity, sparked by the invention of a cure that can “neutralize” mutant abilities, leading to a major moral dilemma.
The central character, Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), returns as Phoenix, an unstoppable force of nature with immense destructive power. Key mutants such as Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Magneto (Ian McKellen), and Storm (Halle Berry) must decide whether to protect their powers or give them up to fit into society.
A new character, Angel (Ben Foster), who has white wings, adds further depth to the story. As the battle intensifies, Phoenix‘s uncontrollable powers threaten both mutants and humans alike.
The film features thrilling action sequences and impressive special effects, while exploring themes of acceptance, identity, and personal freedom. Although it received mixed reviews for its plot and character development, X-Men: The Last Stand remains a pivotal chapter in the X-Men franchise, paving the way for future installments.