Martial Law is a dynamic American action series that aired from 1998 to 2000, combining intense martial arts with crime-solving drama. The show stars Sammo Hung as Samuel “Sam” Chao, a seasoned martial artist and former Hong Kong police officer who relocates to Los Angeles. There, he joins the LAPD, using his martial arts expertise to fight crime while also mentoring fellow officers in self-defense techniques.
The series revolves around Samโs unique approach to policingโblending physical combat with sharp investigative skills. Alongside Lily Robertson (played by Arsenio Hall), a more traditional LAPD officer, Sam takes on high-risk cases involving dangerous criminals and organized crime. Their contrasting personalitiesโSam’s martial arts discipline and Lilyโs street-smart intuitionโcreate a compelling partnership, filled with both tension and humor.
Martial Law is particularly known for its thrilling fight sequences, many of which were choreographed by Sammo Hung himself, a renowned martial artist and action star. The show effectively blends fast-paced action with procedural drama, delivering not only adrenaline-pumping scenes but also strong character development and witty dialogue. The chemistry between Sam and Lily provides a balance of humor and heart, lightening the intense action moments.
Despite not achieving major mainstream success, Martial Law earned a loyal fanbase, praised for its innovative mix of martial arts and crime drama. The series remains a standout for its exceptional fight choreography, engaging characters, and the unique cultural perspective brought by Sammo Hung. Though it may not have reached the heights of other ’90s action shows, it continues to be remembered fondly by fans of martial arts and action TV.