Ninja III: The Domination (1984)

Ninja III: The Domination is a cult classic that mixes martial arts and supernatural horror. The film follows Christie (Lucinda Dickey), a telephone worker who becomes possessed by the spirit of a vengeful ninja after witnessing his death. The ninja, a deadly assassin, was being chased by the police, including Officer Billy Secord (Jordan Bennett).

Once possessed, Christie becomes a deadly weapon, carrying out violent acts while struggling to keep control. The film focuses on her battle between her own mind and the powerful spirit inside her. The story blends martial arts combat with eerie supernatural elements.

Billy, her boyfriend, is determined to save her. He faces dangerous ninjas and ancient rituals as he tries to free Christie from the spiritโ€™s grip. Their love story adds emotion to the action-packed plot.

The movie is filled with exciting fight scenes and intense martial arts. Each battle is fast-paced and thrilling, showcasing the skill of the ninjas and the power of the spirit controlling Christie.

Though it didnโ€™t do well in theaters, Ninja III: The Domination gained a strong following over the years. Its mix of action, horror, and supernatural themes makes it a unique and memorable film. Fans continue to enjoy its eccentric story and wild fight scenes.

Today, Ninja III: The Domination is a must-see for fans of 1980s action and cult films. Its strange premise, fun characters, and unforgettable fight scenes make it a standout movie from the era.

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