Monolith (2016) is a gripping Italian thriller directed by Ivan Silvestrini. The story centers on Sandra (played by Katrina Bowden), a former pop star, who embarks on a road trip through the desert with her young son, David. Their journey takes a dramatic turn when they are stranded after Sandra accidentally locks herself out of their futuristic vehicle, the Monolith, with her son still trapped inside.
The Monolith car is equipped with advanced artificial intelligence named Lilith, which complicates Sandraโs efforts to rescue her son as it becomes increasingly hostile. As temperatures rise, food and water run out, and Sandra must use her wits to survive, both the oppressive desert conditions and the psychological stress of being unable to reach her son. The film builds suspense around Sandraโs emotional journey and her intense maternal instincts as she fights against the ticking clock.
Throughout the film, the tension between Sandra’s desperation and the looming danger is heightened by the isolation and the high-tech vehicle’s role, which becomes both a lifeline and a source of obstruction. The settingโa vast, unforgiving desertโserves as both a literal and metaphorical backdrop for Sandra’s battle to overcome the odds.
The film touches on themes of survival, motherhood, and technological dependence, creating a psychological drama within the thriller genre. Itโs a character-driven story that focuses on emotional resilience and the lengths a mother will go to for her child. Bowdenโs performance as a mother fighting for her son’s safety is central to the filmโs appeal.
Critics have highlighted Monolith for its compelling atmosphere and its unique take on survival thrillers. Its minimalist approach, focusing on one character’s emotional and physical endurance, sets it apart from other genre films. The dynamic of human versus technology and nature presents a reflective commentary on both modern life and survival instincts. The film is a tense and powerful survival thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.