“Lethal Weapon 2” (1989) is an action-comedy film directed by Richard Donner. It stars Mel Gibson as Martin Riggs and Danny Glover as Roger Murtaugh, two mismatched detectives solving a high-stakes case involving a corrupt South African diplomat. The diplomat uses his immunity to shield illegal activities, pushing the partners into a dangerous investigation.
Riggs and Murtaugh uncover a criminal network of smuggling and money laundering. The film combines action-packed sequences with dark humor, exploring themes of justice and morality in a world filled with corruption.
Known for its memorable action scenes and witty banter, “Lethal Weapon 2” delivers intense moments and examines friendship and integrity. It presents a classic buddy cop dynamic that balances comedy with gripping drama.
The film highlights the importance of teamwork and standing up for justice in a corrupt system. “Lethal Weapon 2” is a quintessential buddy cop movie that entertains while delving into deeper moral questions.