San Andreas (2015) is a disaster action film directed by Brad Peyton, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, and Paul Giamatti. The film follows the devastating aftermath of a massive earthquake along the San Andreas Fault in California, one of the most famous fault lines in the world.
The film centers on Ray Gaines (Dwayne Johnson), a Los Angeles Fire Department rescue pilot, who must navigate a series of calamities after a massive earthquake hits the state. The earthquake, caused by the long-dormant San Andreas Fault, triggers a series of natural disasters, including aftershocks, tsunamis, and collapsing buildings. Ray’s main motivation is to save his family, particularly his estranged wife Emma (Carla Gugino) and their daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario), who are trapped in San Francisco amidst the destruction.
As Ray teams up with his wife to rescue their daughter, the film highlights the personal stakes and emotional moments against the backdrop of widespread disaster. Alongside the main characters’ survival story, the film also portrays the broader impact of the earthquake, with scientists like Dr. Lawrence Hayes (Paul Giamatti) trying to predict and warn the population about the coming disaster.
San Andreas received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the film’s visual effects and Johnson’s charismatic performance, but criticized its predictable plot and lack of character depth. Despite the criticism, the film was a commercial success, grossing over $474 million worldwide against a budget of $110 million.