Power Rangers (2017) follows five misfit teenagersโJason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zackโwho discover ancient Power Coins in Angel Grove, granting them superhuman abilities. Guided by Zordon, a former Red Ranger, and his assistant Alpha 5, they are chosen to become the Power Rangers and protect Earth from the villainous Rita Repulsa, who seeks to locate and destroy the Zeo Crystal, a source of immense power.
The teens struggle to work together and unlock their Morphing powers. When Rita attacks and kills Billy, the heart of the team, the Rangers unite through their grief and loyalty, finally accessing their full Ranger suits. Empowered, they embrace their destiny and prepare for the ultimate showdown.
Rita creates Goldar, a massive monster, to dig up the Zeo Crystal. The Rangers pilot their Zordsโgiant robotic machinesโand fight a fierce battle. Combining their Zords into the powerful Megazord, they defeat Goldar and send Rita into space, saving Angel Grove and protecting the Zeo Crystal.
The film ends with the team solidifying their bond as heroes, ready for future challenges. A post-credits scene teases the arrival of Tommy Oliver, the legendary Green Ranger, setting up potential sequels.