Murder at Yellowstone City (2022)

“Murder at Yellowstone City” is a 2022 Western mystery film directed by Richard Gray. Combining the dusty charm of classic Westerns with a compelling murder mystery, the movie boasts an ensemble cast featuring Gabriel Byrne, Thomas Jane, Richard Dreyfuss, and Anna Camp. It offers a tale of greed, justice, and redemption in a lawless frontier town.

Plot Overview

Set in the once-thriving mining town of Yellowstone City, the film begins with the discovery of gold by a local prospector. However, his joy is short-lived when he is found murdered, sparking chaos and suspicion among the townsfolk. Sheriff Jim Ambrose (Gabriel Byrne) quickly arrests Cicero (Isaiah Mustafa), a mysterious drifter who recently arrived in town.

As the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that the murder is only the beginning of a much larger conspiracy. This involves greed and betrayal, which escalate tensions among the characters. Reverend Thaddeus Thomas (Thomas Jane) and his wife Alice (Anna Camp) play key roles in uncovering the truth. Meanwhile, buried secrets and hidden motives come to light. The film’s climax delivers a gripping confrontation that tests the characters’ morality and courage.

Themes and Symbolism

“Murder at Yellowstone City” explores themes of justice, prejudice, and redemption:

  1. Justice and Morality: The film examines the quest for justice in a world where law is fragile and morality is often compromised.
  2. Prejudice and Assumptions: Cicero’s arrest highlights the dangers of judging others based on appearances and preconceived notions.
  3. Greed and Corruption: The murder exposes the greed and corruption lurking beneath the surface of Yellowstone City.

The desolate setting of the town mirrors the characters’ inner struggles and the moral decay of a society driven by self-interest.


Gabriel Byrne delivers a nuanced performance as Sheriff Ambrose, portraying a man grappling with the weight of his responsibilities. Additionally, Thomas Jane and Anna Camp bring depth and emotional resonance to their roles as the reverend and his wife. Richard Dreyfuss shines as Edgar Blodgett, a seasoned townsman with secrets of his own. Moreover, Isaiah Mustafa’s portrayal of Cicero adds complexity and vulnerability to the story.

Cinematography and Direction

Richard Gray’s direction emphasizes the stark beauty and isolation of the frontier setting. The cinematography captures the gritty realism of the Old West, with sweeping landscapes and detailed period design. Furthermore, the film’s deliberate pacing allows the tension to build steadily, drawing viewers into the mystery.

Critical Reception

“Murder at Yellowstone City” received mixed reviews. While critics praised its strong performances and atmospheric visuals, they noted that its intricate plot occasionally became convoluted. Fans of Westerns and murder mysteries appreciated its unique blend of genres and thought-provoking themes.


“Murder at Yellowstone City” offers a fresh twist on the Western genre. By blending mystery and drama, it creates an engaging tale of greed, betrayal, and justice. With its compelling performances and evocative setting, it’s a must-watch for fans of character-driven storytelling and frontier intrigue.

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