“La Palma” is a Norwegian miniseries that premiered on Netflix in December 2024. The series consists of four episodes, each approximately 45 to 50 minutes long, making it ideal for a single viewing session. It has quickly become one of the most-watched shows on Netflix, captivating audiences with its intense narrative and high-quality production.
The story follows a Norwegian family vacationing on the Canary Islands, specifically La Palma. Their trip takes a perilous turn when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an imminent volcanic eruption. The series delves into the family’s struggle for survival amidst the chaos and natural disaster, highlighting themes of resilience, family bonds, and human endurance.
“La Palma” has received positive reviews from both critics and viewers. Its realistic portrayal of a volcanic eruption and the ensuing chaos has been particularly praised. The series has been described as “so binge-worthy,” leaving viewers “yelling at the TV,” indicating its strong impact and engagement.
While “La Palma” is a work of fiction, it draws inspiration from real events. The series is based on the Cumbre Vieja tsunami hazard hypothesis and partially on the 2021 Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption. The island of La Palma is a real location known for its active volcano, Cumbre Vieja, which erupted in 2021, causing significant destruction and evacuation.