Bodyguard is a British political thriller television series created by Jed Mercurio, the creator of the highly acclaimed series Line of Duty. The show follows David Budd (played by Richard Madden), a former soldier turned specialist protection officer, tasked with guarding the UK Home Secretary, Julia Montague (played by Keeley Hawes). As Budd navigates the dangerous world of political security, he finds himself in a high-stakes game of loyalty, morality, and personal conflict.
The series received widespread critical acclaim for its gripping plot, strong performances, and intricate exploration of political power, trust, and personal demons.
David Budd, a war veteran suffering from PTSD, works as a Specialist Protection Officer for the UK’s police force. He is assigned to protect Julia Montague, a controversial Home Secretary with a strong and often divisive political agenda. As he grows closer to Montague, Budd faces an internal struggle between his professional duties and his personal moral compass.
The tension in the series builds around the threats to Montague’s life, as well as the evolving relationship between her and Budd. Buddโs troubled past, combined with his mental health struggles, complicates his role as a bodyguard. His job becomes more dangerous when he uncovers a series of conspiracies that may not only threaten Montague but also put his own life at risk.
The show deals with themes of loyalty, trust, betrayal, and the gray areas of morality, with unexpected twists and an intense buildup of suspense.
Bodyguard is a must-watch for fans of intense, character-driven thrillers. Its combination of personal drama, political intrigue, and high-stakes action makes it a standout in the genre. If you enjoy suspense-filled series with complex characters, Bodyguard will keep you hooked from the first episode to the last.