A Cure for Wellness is a psychological horror and mystery film directed by Gore Verbinski, who is known for his work on The Ring (2002) and the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Released on February 17, 2017, the movie combines elements of Gothic horror, psychological suspense, and surrealism to create a visually arresting and deeply unsettling narrative. With a runtime of 146 minutes, the film captivates with its haunting imagery and complex themes, though it remains divisive due to its ambitious yet polarizing storytelling.
The story begins with Lockhart (Dane DeHaan), a young, ambitious New York executive, who is sent by his firm to retrieve the companyโs CEO, Roland Pembroke, from a remote “wellness center” in the Swiss Alps. The spa is marketed as a place for rejuvenation and healing, but from the outset, it exudes an air of eerie perfection.
Upon arriving at the spa, Lockhart becomes skeptical of the institution and its enigmatic director, Dr. Heinreich Volmer (Jason Isaacs). Volmer insists that Pembroke is undergoing treatment and is unwilling to leave. After a car accident leaves Lockhart with a broken leg, he becomes a patient at the spa and gradually begins to uncover the sinister reality beneath its idyllic facade.
Lockhart befriends Hannah (Mia Goth), a mysterious, childlike young woman who appears to be one of the spa’s permanent residents. Hannahโs strange behavior and her ties to Volmer hint at a dark, centuries-old secret. As Lockhart investigates further, he discovers that the spaโs treatments are not only unconventional but also horrifyingly macabre, involving the exploitation of a local natural resource: water with supposed healing properties but laced with toxins.
The filmโs climax reveals a shocking truth about Volmer, his connection to Hannah, and the grotesque nature of the spa’s treatments. The story builds toward a surreal and harrowing confrontation that forces Lockhart to confront both the external horrors of the spa and the internal corruption of his own ambition and psyche.