Downrange (2017) is a survival thriller-horror film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura. The film is a tense, brutal exploration of a terrifying scenario where a group of travelers is trapped in an isolated location, targeted by an unseen sniper. Known for its relentless pacing and visceral intensity, Downrange combines psychological horror with graphic violence to deliver a grim tale of endurance and survival.
A group of six carpooling strangers is traveling through a remote area when one of their carโs tires blows out. Stranded on a desolate country road, they work together to change the tire, but soon realize the situation is far more dire: the blowout was caused by a bullet, and they are in the crosshairs of a concealed sniper.
As the group attempts to seek cover and assess their options, the sniper methodically begins picking them off one by one. Trapped with limited resources, no cell signal, and nowhere to hide, they must use their wits and courage to survive. The situation grows increasingly desperate as the sniper’s psychological game of cat and mouse takes a toll on their resolve.
In the final act, the survivors stage a risky plan to outwit the sniper, but their efforts are met with brutal and unexpected consequences. The filmโs harrowing climax underscores the hopelessness and unpredictability of their ordeal, leaving viewers shaken by its unflinching portrayal of violence and human desperation.
Downrange received mixed reviews, with critics praising its taut direction, relentless pace, and unapologetic brutality, but criticizing its thin characterization and lack of narrative depth. Fans of survival horror appreciated its commitment to raw, unfiltered tension, while others found its focus on shock value and gore excessive.