The Boys in the Band (2020) is a drama film directed by Joe Mantello, adapted from Mart Crowley’s iconic 1968 play of the same name. Produced by Ryan Murphy, it features an all-star cast of openly gay actors, including Jim Parsons, Zachary Quinto, Matt Bomer, and Andrew Rannells. The film is a faithful adaptation of the Tony Award-winning 2018 Broadway revival, celebrating the groundbreaking impact of the original play.
Set in 1968, the story unfolds during a birthday party hosted by Michael (Jim Parsons) in his New York City apartment for his friend Harold (Zachary Quinto). The gathering includes a group of close-knit gay friends, each bringing their unique personalities, insecurities, and conflicts to the evening.
As the night progresses, unspoken tensions rise, especially with the arrival of Michaelโs college roommate, Alan (Brian Hutchison), whose unexpected visit disrupts the dynamic. Alan’s presence forces the group to confront deep-seated issues about identity, acceptance, and relationships. A party game initiated by Michael reveals painful truths, leading to emotional confrontations and moments of vulnerability.
The story offers a raw, unfiltered look at the struggles of gay men in a time when societal acceptance was scarce, capturing both the camaraderie and the inner turmoil of the group.
The Boys in the Band (2020) was widely praised for its performances and faithful adaptation of Crowleyโs play. Critics lauded the castโs chemistry and the filmโs ability to bring new life to a seminal work in LGBTQ+ history. Some noted that its stage origins made the dialogue-heavy approach feel theatrical, but this was seen as a strength by others who appreciated its authenticity.