Ouija: Origin of Evil is a supernatural horror film directed by acclaimed filmmaker Mike Flanagan, known for his expertise in crafting slow-burn psychological horror (The Haunting of Hill House, Doctor Sleep). This film serves as a prequel to the 2014 movie Ouija, offering an origin story that adds depth and context to the franchise. With its richly atmospheric storytelling and chilling sequences, Ouija: Origin of Evil is regarded as a standout entry in modern horror cinema.
Set in the late 1960s, the film revolves around Alice Zander, a widowed mother struggling to support her two daughters, teenage Lina and young Doris, after the death of her husband. Alice runs a sรฉance scam business from her home, offering fake spiritual guidance to grieving clients. Despite her dishonesty, Alice believes she is genuinely helping people cope with their losses.
In an effort to make her act more convincing, Alice purchases a Ouija board and integrates it into her work. Unbeknownst to her, the board serves as a gateway for malevolent spirits. Doris, the youngest daughter, begins using the board and unknowingly communicates with a sinister entity. The spirit initially seems helpful, giving Doris cryptic guidance about the familyโs financial struggles and the location of hidden money.
However, it becomes evident that Doris is being possessed by the malevolent force. Her behavior grows increasingly erratic, and the spiritโs true intentions are revealed: it seeks to use Doris as a vessel to wreak havoc.
As the haunting escalates, the family turns to Father Tom, a local priest, for help. He uncovers the dark history of their home, which was once used by a sadistic doctor to torture and kill patients in the basement. The house is still haunted by the souls of his victims, and the Ouija board has given them a way to connect with the living.
The film culminates in a terrifying showdown as Alice and Lina fight to save Doris from the possession. Tragic consequences unfold, leaving the family shattered and setting the stage for the events of the 2014 Ouija film.