Slaughter house on the Hill (2024) is a horror film that combines slasher tropes with nostalgic undertones. The story unfolds after a group of friends attend their high school’s homecoming football game. Seeking to revive their youth, they decide to party at an abandoned slaughterhouse on a hill. However, their night of fun turns into a nightmare as they are hunted by a brutal killer wearing a football jersey and a pig’s head.
The movie features intense gore, including violent on-screen deaths with practical effects, such as decapitations and dismemberments. The killer’s identity ties into a dark secret shared by the group, adding a layer of mystery. Interspersed throughout the film are interruptions by a TV host, presenting the events as part of a true-crime reenactment, which some viewers found disruptive.
Overall, the film delivers a mix of nostalgia and modern slasher elements, making it a solid choice for fans of the genre despite some pacing issues.