Backstroke is a minimalist yet deeply intense short thriller directed and written by Robbie Barclay. With a runtime of just under 11 minutes, it masterfully builds tension and explores themes of trust, desperation, and ambiguity. The film is set against the backdrop of a stark, snow-covered wilderness, providing both a visually stunning and eerily isolating stage for the charactersโ journey. Its compact story unfolds with deliberate pacing, gradually pulling the viewer into a chilling tale of survival and betrayal.
The film opens with two teenagers, Nick and Alex, fleeing through a snow-covered landscape. Theyโve stolen a car and appear to be on the run, though their backstory and motives are deliberately vague. Their youth and recklessness contrast sharply with the harsh environment surrounding them, underscoring their vulnerability.
As they travel deeper into isolation, tension begins to bubble between the two. While they present themselves as a team, subtle cracks in their dynamic reveal unspoken doubts and possible secrets. Nickโs more assertive demeanor contrasts with Alexโs quieter, more cautious approach. Their interactions suggest both affection and mistrust, leaving the viewer questioning the true nature of their relationship.
Their escape takes a darker turn when they encounter a stranger, a mysterious man who offers assistance. At first, his calm and friendly demeanor provides a false sense of relief. However, as the interaction unfolds, it becomes clear that his intentions are far from benign.
What begins as a survival tale quickly shifts into psychological horror. The couple must navigate not only the external threat posed by the stranger but also the internal unraveling of their partnership. The film builds to a climactic confrontation, culminating in an ambiguous and haunting ending that leaves viewers questioning the fate of the characters and the motives driving them.