Here There Be Monsters (2018) is a captivating and chilling short horror film directed by Drew Macdonald that delves into themes of bullying, fear, and resilience. The story centers on Elki, a quiet and introverted schoolgirl who endures relentless torment from her classmates. Isolated and struggling to find her voice, Elki feels powerless against her bullies, a vulnerability that becomes central to the film’s emotional depth and tension.
One fateful evening, Elki misses her school bus and is left stranded in an empty parking lot. As the daylight fades and night envelops her, the eerie silence and desolate surroundings create an atmosphere of palpable unease. Alone and anxious, she begins to notice strange occurrences, culminating in the terrifying realization that she is being watchedโand huntedโby a monstrous entity lurking in the shadows.
The titular “monsters” in the film serve both as a literal supernatural threat and a metaphor for the internal and external fears Elki faces. The creature, a grotesque and predatory being, is brought to life through impressive practical effects, enhancing its terrifying presence. Its menacing pursuit of Elki mirrors the psychological toll of bullying, turning her fear into a tangible adversary she must confront to survive.
As the story unfolds, Elki is forced to tap into a well of courage she didnโt know she possessed. In the face of overwhelming terror, she transforms from a victim into a fighter, using her wits and newfound bravery to outsmart the creature. This evolution serves as a powerful allegory for overcoming personal demons and standing up to forcesโboth literal and figurativeโthat seek to harm or diminish one’s spirit.
Macdonald expertly builds suspense throughout the film, utilizing haunting cinematography, tight pacing, and a chilling sound design to immerse viewers in Elki’s harrowing journey. The film’s atmospheric tension and deeply emotional core resonate far beyond its brief runtime of under 15 minutes.
Here There Be Monsters is not just a horror story but also a poignant exploration of the human capacity for resilience. It has been widely praised for its innovative storytelling, impactful themes, and the heartfelt performance of its lead actress, who brings Elkiโs vulnerability and strength to life. The film leaves a lasting impression, blending fear and empowerment in a way that speaks to both the horrors we imagine and the battles we face in reality.