Donnie Darko (2001) is a psychological thriller and science fiction film directed by Richard Kelly. Set in 1988, it follows Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager living in a small suburban town. Donnie is an intelligent but emotionally disturbed young man who often experiences disturbing visions and has a complicated relationship with his family and peers. He is also prone to sleepwalking and has frequent interactions with a mysterious figure dressed in a creepy, demonic rabbit suit named Frank.
After narrowly surviving a bizarre incident in which a jet engine crashes into his room, Donnie begins to question reality and his place in the world. Frank, the rabbit, communicates with him, urging him to commit a series of increasingly strange and destructive acts, including flooding a school and burning down a house. As Donnieโs actions spiral out of control, he becomes convinced that he is destined to prevent an impending catastrophe.
Donnie also forms a romantic relationship with Gretchen, a new girl in town, and begins attending therapy sessions where he learns about time travel and the concept of a tangent universeโa parallel reality that can be created and destroyed. As the film progresses, Donnieโs sense of reality becomes even more fragmented, and he uncovers a larger, cosmic plan involving time loops and fate.
The climax of the film reveals that Donnie’s actions are part of a time-traveling sequence that leads to the collapse of the tangent universe, ultimately saving the lives of those around him. In the final moments, Donnie sacrifices himself to restore the timeline, allowing the jet engine to fall into his room and kill him, thus preventing the alternate reality from continuing. His death resolves the events and restores normalcy to the world, but only in a way that makes it clear Donnie’s life was part of a greater, mysterious plan.
Donnie Darko explores themes of time travel, mental illness, existential questions about life and death, and the consequences of choices. The filmโs surreal narrative, complex symbolism, and ambiguous ending have made it a cult classic, with interpretations varying widely among viewers.