🎬 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝟒 (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟔)
Scheduled to release on July 24, 2026, Spider-Man 4 continues Tom Holland’s journey as Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directed by Destin Daniel...
Scheduled to release on July 24, 2026, Spider-Man 4 continues Tom Holland’s journey as Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Directed by Destin Daniel...
Set in the late 1970s, Mindhunter follows FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench as they pioneer criminal profiling by interviewing some of history’s most...
Penny Dreadful: A Haunting Victorian Tale of Supernatural Battles Set in Victorian London, Penny Dreadful follows a group of extraordinary characters battling supernatural forces and...
Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014) is a gripping crime drama about SAMCRO, an outlaw motorcycle club based in the small town of Charming, California. The show...
Gomorrah is an Italian crime drama series based on Roberto Saviano’s book, depicting the brutal world of the Naples-based Camorra mafia. The story follows Ciro...
Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021), also known as the “Snyder Cut,” is the director’s original vision of the 2017 Justice League film. This four-hour epic,...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), directed by Zack Snyder, brings together two of the most iconic superheroes—Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill)—in...
Justice League (2017) brings together DC’s most iconic superheroes in an epic fight to save the world. Directed by Zack Snyder and completed by Joss...
Shazam! Fury of the Gods is the exciting sequel to the 2019 superhero hit, continuing the adventures of Billy Batson (Asher Angel) and his heroic...
The Transformers franchise continues to captivate fans with thrilling stories and epic battles. While there is no official confirmation for a film titled Transformers 8:...
True Detective is a groundbreaking anthology crime series created by Nic Pizzolatto, celebrated for its gripping storytelling, complex characters, and deep philosophical undertones. Each season...
In this gripping sequel, the Justice League faces their darkest hour as Darkseid launches a full-scale invasion of Earth. The team must navigate personal struggles,...
Moonflower Murders (2024) follows former book editor Susan Ryeland, now living a quiet life in Crete with her partner Andreas. Her peace is disrupted when...
Power Rangers (2017) follows five misfit teenagers—Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack—who discover ancient Power Coins in Angel Grove, granting them superhuman abilities. Guided by...
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) follows the Fantastic Four as they prepare for Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm’s (Invisible Woman)...
Titans (2018–2023) follows a team of young superheroes, including Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, as they come together to fight dark forces....
Black Adam (2022) follows Teth-Adam, an ancient antihero awakened in the modern world with god-like powers. Seeking vengeance on those who wronged him, he clashes...
Daredevil (2003) follows Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer with enhanced senses who becomes the vigilante Daredevil to fight crime in Hell’s Kitchen. By day, he...
The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015) is a psychological horror film set in 1630s New England. It follows a Puritan family exiled to a remote...
Alien: Covenant (2017) is a sci-fi horror film and a sequel to Prometheus (2012). It follows the crew of the colonization ship Covenant on their...
Outlander (TV Series 2014–) is a historical drama and romantic fantasy based on Diana Gabaldon’s novels. The series follows Claire Randall, a World War II...
Hijack (TV Series 2023–2025) is a tense thriller following Sam Nelson, a seasoned negotiator, who must step up when his flight from Dubai to London...
Spider-Man 2 (2004) focuses on Peter Parker’s inner conflict between his life as a superhero and his personal desires. Peter is overwhelmed by the responsibilities...
Spider-Man 3 (2007) follows Peter Parker as he struggles to balance his personal life, relationships, and responsibilities as Spider-Man. His relationship with Mary Jane Watson...
The Flash (2023) tells the story of Barry Allen, who uses his super-speed to travel back in time to prevent his mother’s murder. Despite his...
Better Call Saul (2015–2022) is a prequel to Breaking Bad, following Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk) as he transitions from a struggling lawyer to the morally...
A Man on the Inside (2024) follows Charles (Ted Danson), a retired man grieving his wife’s death. He answers a private investigator’s ad and goes...
Landman (2024), created by Taylor Sheridan, is a gripping drama set in West Texas during a modern oil boom. Inspired by the Boomtown podcast, the...
Cross (2024) is a gripping crime thriller based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. The series follows Alex Cross, a brilliant but haunted detective and...
The Agency (2024) is a suspenseful spy series centered on Martin, a seasoned CIA operative played by Michael Fassbender, who returns to active duty after...