🎬🎬 The Goonies II
Fans of the beloved 1985 adventure film, “The Goonies,” have reason to rejoice as rumors of a long-awaited sequel have finally been confirmed. After years...
Fans of the beloved 1985 adventure film, “The Goonies,” have reason to rejoice as rumors of a long-awaited sequel have finally been confirmed. After years...
Torque (2004) is an action film revolving around high-speed racing, disputes between biker gangs, and the main character’s journey to clear his name. The film...
Bagman (2024) is a horror film about Patrick McKee’s struggle to protect his family from a haunting supernatural force. Patrick McKee (Sam Claflin) had a...
Jailangkung: Sandekala is a 2022 Indonesian horror film that revolves around a mysterious and supernatural story. The film is directed by Kimo Stamboel and stars...
Need for Speed (2014) is a racing action film based on the popular EA game series of the same name. The film focuses on revenge,...
Behind the Trees (2019) is a psychological horror film with supernatural elements, telling a mysterious and creepy story that takes place in a forest in...
A Tale of Two Sisters is a famous South Korean psychological horror film directed by Kim Jee-woon. The film is inspired by the Korean folk...
Menjelang Ajal is an Indonesian horror film that focuses on supernatural and mysterious elements. The main plot of the film revolves around a family living...
“Oculus” (2013) is a psychological horror film that revolves around the theme of a cursed mirror and the terrifying effects it has on a family....
Cross (2024) is a crime thriller TV series based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. It offers a fresh storyline inspired by Patterson’s work but...
“Kembalikan Tubuhku” is an Indonesian psychological horror film that tells a creepy story revolving around obsession, revenge, and supernatural phenomena. The main content of the...
Prey for the Devil is a thrilling and spine-chilling dive into the world of exorcisms, dark secrets, and a haunting exploration of faith and fear....
Terrifier 2 is the sequel to the popular horror film Terrifier, with the content revolving around the return of Art the Clown, a brutal and...
The teaser trailer for “Evil Dead 2: New Chapter” dives back into the terrifying world of the Evil Dead franchise, promising a spine-chilling continuation of...
“Six,” stylized as SIX, is an American military drama television series that premiered on January 18, 2017, on the History Channel. Created to provide an...
Cannibal Boys là một bộ phim kinh dị đáng sợ lấy bối cảnh tại một thị trấn xa xôi, nơi một nhóm du khách không...
Phần thứ tám của loạt phim A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy vs. Jason (2003), là một bộ phim kinh dị hành động kết hợp...
The Division: Agent Origins (2016) là một bộ phim ngắn hành động trực tiếp lấy bối cảnh trong vũ trụ của trò chơi điện...
The Head Hunter (2018) is a dark fantasy horror film that follows a medieval warrior, referred to as “The Father,” who resides on the outskirts...
Black Wake (2018) is a science fiction horror film directed by Jeremiah Kipp, combining elements of Lovecraftian horror and psychological mystery. The story follows a...
Slaughter house on the Hill (2024) is a horror film that combines slasher tropes with nostalgic undertones. The story unfolds after a group of friends...
Operation Blood Hunt (2024) is a horror action film set in 1944, revolving around a group of task force sent to a remote island in...
“The Courier” (2020) starring Olga Kurylenko is an action thriller in which she plays Victoria, a mysterious woman who works as a courier for an...
Strike Back is an action, espionage, military television series produced by Sky 1 (UK) and Cinemax (USA). The film is based on a series of...
Devil’s Peak (2023) is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the dark underbelly of a small mountain town, intertwining themes of family loyalty, betrayal,...
Renegades (2022) is an action-packed revenge thriller directed by Daniel Zirilli, starring Nick Moran, Lee Majors, Patsy Kensit, Danny Trejo, and Ian Ogilvy. The film...
Rampage 2 (2025) là phần tiếp theo được mong đợi của bom tấn hành động đầu tiên đã đưa những con quái vật biểu tượng...
The Channel, released in 2023 and directed by William Kaufman, is an action thriller featuring Clayne Crawford, Max Martini, and Paul Rae. The film revolves...
“Taken 3” (2014) is the sequel to the action film series “Taken” with the main character Bryan Mills (played by Liam Neeson). In this part,...
Gasoline Alley (2022) là một bộ phim kinh dị tội phạm do Edward John Drake đạo diễn, với sự tham gia của Devon Sawa, Bruce...