Gunfight at Rio Bravo (2023)
“Gunfight at Rio Bravo” is a 2023 Western action film directed by Joe Cornet. The movie delivers a classic gunslinger tale infused with modern action...
“Gunfight at Rio Bravo” is a 2023 Western action film directed by Joe Cornet. The movie delivers a classic gunslinger tale infused with modern action...
“The Hurricane Heist” is a 2018 action-thriller film directed by Rob Cohen. Combining the high stakes of a heist movie with the destructive power of...
“The Salvation” is a 2014 Danish Western film directed by Kristian Levring. Set in the 1870s American frontier, the movie is a gripping tale of...
G.I. Joe 4: Ever Vigilant (2024) La franquicia G.I. Joe, protagonizada por Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson y Jenna Ortega, es una icónica línea de medios...
“Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (2022) is a live-action/CGI animated adventure directed by Jeff Fowler. The film continues the story of Sonic, the fast-moving blue hedgehog,...
The Last Legion (2007): A Tale of Courage and Legacy The Last Legion (2007), directed by Doug Lefler, is a historical action-adventure film that blends...
Ambulance (2022), directed by Michael Bay, is an intense action thriller that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The story follows two brothers, Danny...
The Grandmaster, directed by Wong Kar-wai, is a visually stunning martial arts drama inspired by the life of Ip Man, the legendary Wing Chun grandmaster....
Outlaws and Angels is a gripping Western thriller directed by JT Mollner. The film explores themes of revenge, morality, and survival. It is set against...
Missing in Action (1984) is a gripping action-drama that stands as one of Chuck Norris’s most celebrated roles. Directed by Joseph Zito, this film is...
Saving Leningrad (2019) is a poignant epic of blood and tears, directed by Alexey Kozlov, weaving a tale of tragedy and faint hope amidst the...
Crime Story (1993) is a Hong Kong action-crime film directed by Kirk Wong and starring Jackie Chan in a rare dramatic role. Known in...
Transformers 8: Rise of the Titans (2025) es la secuela épica de la serie de películas Transformers, que lleva al público a una guerra completamente...
Cliffhanger is a 1993 action-adventure thriller directed by Renny Harlin and starring Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, and Michael Rooker. Set in the breathtaking Rocky Mountains,...
The Lone Ranger, directed by Gore Verbinski, reimagines the classic Western hero with action, humor, and fantasy. Starring Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer...
The Darkest Hour (2011) is a science fiction thriller directed by Chris Gorak and produced by Timur Bekmambetov. The film presents a fresh take on...
“The Untouchables” (1987) is a gripping crime drama set during the Prohibition era, directed by Brian De Palma. The story centers on Eliot Ness (Kevin...
Twin Dragons (1992) is a Hong Kong action-comedy film directed by Ringo Lam and Tsui Hark, starring Jackie Chan in dual roles as identical twins....
Director: Tommy Wirkola Cast: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen, Peter Stormare Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) reimagines the classic fairy tale of Hansel...
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a 2024 post-apocalyptic action epic directed by George Miller. It serves as a prequel and spin-off to the critically...
Released in 2016, Baaghi quickly became a standout in Bollywood’s action-drama genre. Directed by Sabbir Khan, the film stars Tiger Shroff as Ronny, a rebellious...
Standoff (2016) is a tense, contained thriller written and directed by Adam Alleca. The film is a gripping story of redemption, survival, and moral reckoning,...
🔥 NOTICIA OFICIAL 🔥 Se confirma que en #DaredevilBornAgain, Johnny Blaze hará su primera aparición durante un juicio. Después de este evento, el personaje obtendrá...
The Marine 6: Close Quarters es la sexta entrega de la franquicia Marine, una serie de películas de acción directas a video protagonizadas por Mike...
Gorgeous (1999) is a Hong Kong romantic action-comedy film directed by Vincent Kok and starring Jackie Chan, along with Shu Qi and Tony Leung. The...
Director: Neil Marshall Cast: Charlotte Kirk, Philip Winchester, Colm Meaney, Stephanie Beacham, Sean Pertwee Neil Marshall’s Duchess (2024) delivers a gripping tale of betrayal, power,...
Once Upon a Time in China (1991) is a groundbreaking martial arts epic directed by Tsui Hark and starring Jet Li as Wong Fei-hung, a...
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) is a superhero film directed by Marc Webb, rebooting the Spider-Man franchise, with Andrew Garfield starring as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Emma...
Wayne (2019) is a raw, electrifying blend of dark humor and intense action, creating an unforgettable viewing experience that lingers long after the credits roll....
Superman Returns (2006) is a superhero film directed by Bryan Singer, serving as a spiritual sequel to Richard Donner’s Superman (1978) and Superman II (1980),...