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The Accidental Spy (2001) is an action-comedy film starring Jackie Chan, directed by Teddy Chan, and produced in Hong Kong. Known for blending Jackie Chan’s...
The Accidental Spy (2001) is an action-comedy film starring Jackie Chan, directed by Teddy Chan, and produced in Hong Kong. Known for blending Jackie Chan’s...
Black Bird (2022) is a gripping psychological crime series inspired by the true story recounted in the memoir In With The Devil: A Fallen Hero,...
Meg 2: The Trench (2023) is an exhilarating sequel to the blockbuster The Meg (2018), taking audiences on another journey into the deep sea to...
Point Break (1991) is an adrenaline-fueled action thriller that blends high-stakes crime with extreme sports. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, the film follows Johnny Utah (Keanu...
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) is an iconic post-apocalyptic action film that follows the lone wanderer Max Rockatansky, portrayed by Mel Gibson, as...
No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers continues the quirky tradition of the franchise. It brings a messy plot, bloody action, and laughably absurd situations....
The Woman King (2022) es un impactante drama histórico de acción que revive las increíbles y a menudo olvidadas historias de las mujeres guerreras de...
CONSTANTINE 2In Constantine 2 (2024), the teaser trailer begins with John Constantine (played by Keanu Reeves) as he stands at a crossroads between realms, visibly...
The story picks up after a mission to rescue the president at an international security conference goes awry. Mike Banning finds himself facing dark forces...
The Protector (2018–2020) is a captivating fantasy and action series from Turkey that marked a significant milestone for Turkish cinema on the global streaming platform...
Top Gun: Maverick (2022) is a breathtakingly emotional and visually spectacular action film that continues the iconic story from the original Top Gun (1986)....
Bad Girls (1994), directed by Jonathan Kaplan, is a refreshing take on the Western genre. The film follows four women—Cody (Andie MacDowell), Anita (Madeleine Stowe),...
Ghosted (2023): A Thrilling Action-Romance with Chris Evans & Ana de Armas Ghosted (2023), directed by Dexter Fletcher, blends action, romance, and espionage into an...
300: Rise of an Empire (2014), directed by Noam Murro, is a visually stunning and action-packed continuation of the 300 saga. Set during the Battle...
Warcraft (2016), directed by Duncan Jones, brings the iconic video game franchise to life, exploring the epic battle between humans and orcs in the fantasy...
Gemini Man (2019), directed by Ang Lee, is a sci-fi action film that not only impresses with its cutting-edge technology but also invites deep reflections...
Blue Beetle (2023) follows Jaime Reyes, a young Mexican-American man from El Paso, Texas, who returns home after college and discovers a mysterious alien artifact...
Batman (1989), directed by Tim Burton, marked a significant departure from earlier portrayals of the character, bringing a darker, gothic tone to the story of...
Cross (2024) is a gripping crime thriller based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. The series follows Alex Cross, a brilliant but haunted detective and...
Superman III (1983), directed by Richard Lester, is the third installment in the Superman film series, notable for its departure into lighter comedic territory while...
“First Strike” (1996) is the fourth film in Jackie Chan’s Police Story series, blending high-stakes action with comedic elements that showcase Chan’s iconic martial arts...
BRZRKR (2025) is an action film adapted from the famous comic series co-created by Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt. Keanu Reeves plays “B,” an immortal...
John Carter (2012) is a visually stunning sci-fi film directed by Andrew Stanton. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars, the movie follows...
Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989), also known as Mr. Canton and Lady Rose, is a Hong Kong action-comedy film directed by and starring Jackie Chan....
SECRET LEVEL – Official Trailer SECRET LEVEL, an animated series for adults, will premiere on Prime Video on December 10, 2024. The series takes viewers...
“Armour of God” (1986) stars Jackie Chan as the adventurous treasure hunter Jackie (aka “Asian Hawk”), who embarks on a perilous journey to retrieve a...
S.W.A.T. – Elite Special Forces In a world plagued by crime, an elite special forces team emerges to protect justice. “S.W.A.T.” is an action-packed TV...
In the 2002 movie “Resident Evil,” directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, the story follows a covert security team, led by Alice (played by Milla Jovovich),...
John Carter: The Legend Resurrected John Carter (2024) is a science fiction action adventure film directed by Andrew Stanton, based on the classic novel A...
Hidden Figures (2016) is an inspiring, heartwarming, and profoundly moving historical drama directed by Theodore Melfi. Based on the non-fiction book Hidden Figures by Margot...